Professional Experience - Writing

I'm passionate about SQL Server and technology in general. As such, writing provides a great outlet for sharing what I know and love about SQL Server and other technologies.


In the past I've maintained two differet blogs at various times:

  • Practical SQL Server
  • SQL Server Videos



Links to many (but not all) of the articles I've written as a consultant are listed below.

SQL Server Pro  

I've written numerous articles for SQL Server Pro (formerly SQL Server Magazine) over the years, and became a contributing editor in 2010.


The following list of articles is non-complete - but includes some of my SQL Server focused articles along with some other development-focused articles as well.

WindowsIT Pro Magazine  

Idera's WhitePapers and Other Resources

I've also written a couple of white-papers and 'Tips' for Idera.

Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN - Coding4Fun)

  • Total Articles/Resources Listed: 157